
Cheat sheets for various stuff

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Vim Cheat sheet

Warning: this cheat sheet may contain commands that only work for my particular setup (installed plugins, custom keyboard shortcuts, etc.). See for my Vim configuration.

Commands work in normal mode, unless specified explicitly.


Key Action
CapsLock = Second escape (Custom keyb setting)
C-r Redo (undo undo)
:!CMD Shell command
,t Open file with CommandT
C-o (in insert mode) go to normal mode for one commnand and return to insert mode
C-o C-o Open the last edited file at the last edited position.


Key Action
0 / $ Begin/end of line
w, W start of next word (W ignores punctuation)
e, E end of next word (E ignores punctuation)
b, B backwards by word (B ignores punctuation)
( / ) begin of previous/next sentence
{ / } paragraph backward/forward
[[ / ]] section backward/forward
a(, i( select everything inside (), a = including (). †
C-o, C-i move to previous/next editing positions (jumplist)
C-o C-o Go to last edited file, last editing position

† Also works with [ { < " '


Key Action
d movement Cut
x Cut letter
y movement Copy
"ad "ay Cut/Copy to/from register ‘a’ (works for a-z)
p P Paste after/before cursor
"ap Paste from register ‘a’ (works for a-z)
"*y "*p Copy/paste OS clipboard
:reg " :reg 0 :reg a Show contents of default/yank/a register
ciw caw Cut word (a = incl space) + insert mode
ci( ca( Cut between () (a = including ()). †
J Join lines (delete newline)
gU gu g~ movement To upper/lower case or toggle

† This also works for other delimiters, e.g. ", {, <, etc.

Editing tricks

Key Action
%s/OLD/NEW/gc Interactive search/replace
%g/PATTERN/d Delete lines matching PATTERN
gU movement Change to uppercase
gu movement Change to lowercase
g~ movement Toggle case
C-a C-x Increment/decrement a number (command mode)
C-n C-p Next/previous word completion
C-xk Dictionary completion (set dictionary)
C-t C-d Indent/unindent (insert mode)

Dictionary completion works only when the dictionary is set, e.g.

:set dictionary=/usr/share/dict/words
:set dictionary=/usr/share/myspell/nl_BE.dic

Split screen

Key Action
C-w s horizontal split
C-w v vertical split
C-w q close split
C-w up/down switch split
C-w C-w cycle splits


Key Action
zi Expand/collapse all
zj Go to next fold
zk Go to prev fold
zA Toggle current fold, recursively
zc Close fold (or parent)
zMzv Close all other folds


Key Action
EEN Enumerate environment
EIT Itemize environment
EVM Verbatim environment
,it \item
FEM Emphasis
,em Apply emphasis to selection
FTT Teletype
,tt Apply teletype to selection
,ll Compile
,lv View PDF
C-j Jump to next placeholder <++>
F5 Insert environment (interactive)
<Shift>-F5 Change environment
F9 Autocomplete citation

Folding for specific parts of the document:

%% <<< Comment
Some text or \markup.
%% >>>


Key Action
:Tabularize /& Align table on the specified character (here: &)

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