
Cheat sheets for various stuff

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This cheat sheet gives an overview of the most common statistics functions for spreadsheets in English and Dutch (LibreOffice Calc, Excel), and for the R programming language.

Univariate statistics

x denotes a cell range (spreadsheet) or list/array/table (R).

Function R Spreadsheet (EN) Spreadsheet (NL)
Mean, average mean(x) =AVERAGE(x) =GEMIDDELDE(x)
Population variance =VAR.P(x) =VAR.P(x)
Population standard deviation =STDEV.P(x) =STDEV.P(x)
Sample variance var(x) =VAR(x), =VAR.S(x) =VAR(x), =VAR.S(x)
Sample standard deviation sd(x) =STDEV(x), =STDEV.S(x) =STDEV(x), =STDEV.S(x)
Median median(x) =MEDIAN(x) =MEDIAAN(x)
Minimum min(x) =MIN(x) =MIN(x)
Maximum max(x) =MAX(x) =MAX(x)
Quartile =QUARTILE(x, type) =KWARTIEL(x, type)
Percentile quantile(x, alphas) =PERCENTILE(x, alpha) =PERCENTIEL(x, alpha)

type: 0 = min, 1 = 25% (1st quartile) , 2 = 50% (median), 3 = 75% (3rd quartile), 1 = max

alpha is a number in [0, 1] denoting the percentile rank (0 = minimum, .5 = median, 1 = max). In R, you can specify an array of the desired percentiles, e.g. quantile(x, c(0, .33, .67, 1)).

Bivariate statistics

Function R Spreadsheet (EN) Spreadsheet (NL)
Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) cor(x, y) =PEARSON(y, x) =PEARSON(y, x)
Determination coefficient (R²)   =RSQ(y, x) =R.KWADRAAT(y, x)
Covariance cov(x, y) =COVAR(x, y) COVARIANTIE.S(x, y)

Probability density of the normal distribution

Function R Spreadsheet (EN) Spreadsheet (NL)
z-transformation z <- (x - m)/s =STANDARDIZE(x, m, s) =NORMALISEREN(x, m, s)
P(Z < z) pnorm(z) =NORMSDIST(z) =STAND.NORM.VERD(z)
P(X < x) pnorm(x, m, s) =NORMDIST(x, m, s) =NORM.VERD(x, m, s)
z so P(Z < z) = p qnorm(p) =NORM.S.INV(p) =NORM.S.INV(p)
x so P(X < x) = p qnorm(p, m, s) =NORMINV(p, m, s) =NORM.INV.N(p, m, s)
