
Cheat sheets for various stuff

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Action Command
Create a tag (annotated) git tag -a -m 'MESSAGE' TAGNAME [COMMIT]
List tags (and NUM lines of annotation) git tag -l -nNUM
Delete tag git tag -d TAGNAME


Completely remove a Git submodule


  1. Delete section from .gitmodules: 3 lines, starting with

    [submodule "MODULE"]

  2. Stage .gitmodules: git add .gitmodules
  3. Delete section from .git/config: 2 lines, starting with

    [submodule "MODULE"]

  4. git rm --cached path/to/submodule
  5. rm -rf .git/modules/MODULE
  6. git commit -m 'Removed module MODULE'
  7. rm -rf path/to/submodule (removes now untracked submodule files)

Extract a subproject with Git Subtree

You have a project app where one of the modules, widget, would better be kept in a separate Git repository. We’ll assume widget now resides in a directory immediately under the project root ~/projects/app/widget/. The app project is on Github, at

The goal is to have widget as a separate project ~/projects/widget/, with its own Github repository We’ll assume this repository has been created and is still empty.

  1. Go to project root:

     $ cd ~/projects/app/
  2. Create a branch that contains only commits for files in widget:

     $ git subtree split --prefix=widget/ --branch=subtree/widget
  3. Push this new branch to its own repository:

     $ git push subtree/widget:master
  4. Create widget project directory:

     $ mkdir ~/projects/widget/; cd ~/projects/widget/
  5. Pull the widget project from Github into its own directory:

     $ git clone
  6. Maybe do some more development, and release the first version:

     $ git tag -a -m 'First stable release' v1.0.0
     $ git push --tags

At this time, you have two separate repositories. However, app/widget/ is still part of the original repository. However, now it should be maintained in its own repository, and changes should be pulled into app from widget:

  1. Remove the widget directory from the app project:

     $ cd ~/projects/app/
     $ git rm -rf widget/
     $ rm -rf widget/  # delete ignored files that were left behind
  2. Fetch the widget release from Github (--squash “summarizes” all changes as single commit):

     $ git subtree add --prefix=widget/ --squash tags/v1.0.0
