
Cheat sheets for various stuff

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Bash CLI tricks

Keyboard shortcuts

You can find complete lists of Bash shortcuts elsewhere. I only write down those I’m trying to learn…

Shortcut Task
Ctrl-O Execute current line from history, on return gives next line
Ctrl-U Delete from cursor to beginning of line
Meta-* Insert all possible command line completions


!! Previous command
!$ Last argument of previous command
!* All arguments of previous command


The file ~/.inputrc, if it exists, controls the behaviour of GNU readline and affects many interactive programs, e.g. Bash, Python shell, etc. An example configuration:

# /etc/inputrc

set colored-stats On
set completion-ignore-case On
set completion-prefix-display-length 3
set mark-symlinked-directories On
set show-all-if-ambiguous On
set show-all-if-unmodified On
set visible-stats On
