Testing Ansible roles with Travis-CI, Part 1: CentOS
In this first post on testing Ansible roles with Travis-CI, we’ll discuss how you can apply a test playbook on CentOS. Out-of-the-box, Travis-CI doesn’t support CentOS, as its test environment is Ubuntu-based. However, Travis-CI allows you to set up a Docker container and this opens up all kinds of possibilities.
I’ve known about Travis-CI as a test platform for a while now, but haven’t tried it out until a few days ago. It is mainly used for running tests on applications, but it has seen use for infrastructure testing as well. For example, Jeff Geerling already wrote about testing Ansible roles using Travis-CI.
There’s a lot to like about Travis-CI: it’s free for open source projects and it integrates nicely with Github so that on every push and submitted pull request a test run is triggered. During a test run, a VM is booted and a script called .travis.yml
is executed. This contains the necessary steps to configure the system, install dependencies and run the actual test code. Jeff Geerling’s method of testing Ansible roles consists of installing Ansible and then running a test playbook locally that applies the role to the VM.
Now, the reason that I haven’t been working with Travis-CI before (apart from lack of time), is that the VM that’s being created is Ubuntu-based. I’m mostly working with CentOS, however, and all my Ansible roles only run on CentOS (at least for now). So as far as I knew, Travis-CI was not suitable for my needs.
Earlier this week, I ran into a question on StackOverflow on this very subject. One of the replies stated that it is possible to run CentOS on Travis-CI using Docker. Interesting…
Docker is another technology I haven’d played with before, so two learning opportunities in one go! I’m not going to delve into getting started with Docker, you can find that elsewhere.
Setting up a CentOS Docker container
In this section, we’re going to set up a simple test for my own Apache role. The first step is to create a Docker container for CentOS with all dependencies installed. After a few attempts, I settled for the following Dockerfile:
FROM centos:7
# Install systemd -- See https://hub.docker.com/_/centos/
RUN yum -y swap -- remove fakesystemd -- install systemd systemd-libs
RUN yum -y update; yum clean all; \
(cd /lib/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants/; for i in *; do [ $i == systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/*; \
rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/local-fs.target.wants/*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/*udev*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/*initctl*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/basic.target.wants/*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/anaconda.target.wants/*;
# Install Ansible
RUN yum -y install epel-release
RUN yum -y install git ansible sudo
RUN yum clean all
# Disable requiretty
RUN sed -i -e 's/^\(Defaults\s*requiretty\)/#--- \1/' /etc/sudoers
# Install Ansible inventory file
RUN echo -e '[local]\nlocalhost ansible_connection=local' > /etc/ansible/hosts
VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"]
This is based a.o. on the guidelines for the centos:7
image found on Docker Hub. By default, systemd is not available inside the container, so the code above installs it, albeit in a limited form. After that, Ansible is installed and a basic inventory file is generated.
Running the Ansible test on Travis-CI
The next step is to configure Travis-CI with a .travis.yml
file. In this stage, I ran into another problem w.r.t. systemd. After building the container, I succeeded in running ansible-playbook
, but the role failed when the service was started:
[...A number of succeeding tasks, a.o. installation of httpd...]
TASK: [bertvv.httpd | Ensure Apache is always running] ************************
failed: [localhost] => {"failed": true}
msg: no service or tool found for: httpd
Theres’s a bug report relating to this issue. Dan Walsh navigates around this problem by enabling the service after installation and then running a new container that will start the service at boot time. For our purposes, this is not a feasible solution. Another caveat is that the container should run in privileged mode in order to make systemd work.
Finally, I got to the following .travis.yml
sudo: required
- docker
# Fetch base image and build new container
- sudo docker pull centos:7
- sudo docker build --rm=true --tag=travispoc .
# Run container in detached state
- sudo docker run --detach --privileged --volume="${PWD}":/etc/ansible/roles/role_under_test:ro --volume=/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro travispoc /usr/lib/systemd/systemd > /tmp/container_id
# Check syntax of ansible playbook
- sudo docker exec "$(cat /tmp/container_id)" ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/roles/role_under_test/test.yml --syntax-check
# Run ansible playbook
- sudo docker exec "$(cat /tmp/container_id)" ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/roles/role_under_test/test.yml
# Clean up
- sudo docker stop "$(cat /tmp/container_id)"
email: false
See the result of the build process on the Travis-CI status page. This configuration pulls down the base image centos:7
and builds the custom container with Ansible installed. The custom container is then run in privileged mode and detached. The current directory (= the project root of the Git project) is mounted inside the container under /etc/ansible/roles/role_under_test/
. The name of the directory is not important, actually, and giving it a generic one makes the code reusable over any role. The docker run
command yields an ID that is written to a temporary file. After that, the test playbook (see below) is executed, once with the --syntax-check
option, and once without (actually applying the role to the container).
# test.yml
- hosts: all
- role_under_test
The playbook is kept minimal here, but a vars:
section can be added to set role variables. The role is called role_under_test
, consistent with the directory mentioned above.
In the end, a container is -intentionally- not a full VM, so it does have its limitations. As discussed before, systemd is not available out-of-the-box. Basic services that you expect to be present, like ssh and firewalld aren’t installed by default. Another big issue is SELinux. Since this is a kernel extension, I suspect it would interact with the host system. The host system in this case is Travis-CI’s Ubuntu box that runs the tests, and that certainly won’t have SELinux enabled. I haven’t looked into this, but I suspect that in this setting, SELinux will not work inside the container. Please let me know in the comments if I’m wrong! Anyway, my roles usually assume SELinux is running, so I suspect it won’t be possible to test these on Travis-CI… In those cases, a solution based on full virtualization like KVM, VirtualBox, etc. is probably more suitable.
In this post, I discussed a proof of concept for testing Ansible roles on CentOS using Travis-CI. The code can be found on https://github.com/bertvv/travispoc and is tagged centos
(See the tags page). Although there are some limitations (SELinux being a notable one), Travis-CI is usable as a testing platform in this setting.
There’s probably for improvement. I probably did things in a suboptimal way, because I’m still new to both Travis-CI and Docker, so suggestions are welcome! You can leave a comment below, create an issue on the Github project or send me a pull request.
In a next blog post, we’ll extend this solution for running tests on multiple platforms.
Edit: There was a major flaw in the code of the original version of this post. It installed the role under test from Ansible Galaxy instead of running on the current commit. The Dockerfile
and .travis.yml
were adapted to fix this.